
Well, we've had our first real drama of the summer.
James Bord was dispensed by David "Bakes" Baker a few minutes ago to end his day early, but he lurked around long enough for John Juanda to win his match at another table. From what we gather, Bord had made a less-than-savory comment earlier in the day, and Juanda waited until his match was over to continue the conversation. When he asked Bord what the problem was, the Brit went off.
It all happened right near our desk, and it was Bord doing most of the yelling. We heard, "You're a thieving prick," "you're a disgrace", and "you're a fake and disgusting human being," among other things. Juanda was trying to get a word in edgewise, but Bord wasn't giving him space. Finally, the words came that ended the altercation. "If I see you in the parking lot, I'm going to beat your ass," Bord announced.
"Floor!" Juanda called, and both the floor staff and security were there immediately. The two men had to be separated, and the staff members took both men out of the room to settle the problem in a more appropriate spot.
Security is conducting some quick interviews with the bystanders right now, and Bord appears to be in a spot of trouble.