Poker ride set for Oct. 26

The Barbara Worth Brigadettes will host their annual poker ride Oct. 26. The ride will take place southeast of Holtville off Interstate 8 at Vanderlinden Road.
Poker hands will be $5 each. The members also will host a barbecue with all the trimmings for $6.
The public is invited to share food, fun and fellowship while experiencing a beautiful ride across the rolling hills, which align the "Border Friendship Route of Imperial County."
Riders should be mounted and ready to ride at 9:30 a.m.
The Brigadettes were organized in 1940 by a group of dedicated horsewomen who wanted to share their skills and preserve history in the Imperial Valley.
The Brigadettes are one of the founding organizations in Imperial County.
The Brigadettes invite riders to bring their decorated Halloween pumpkins to compete in the pumpkin-decorating contest. Pumpkins will be voted on by those in attendance and a prize will be given. There will be raffle prizes and fun for all.
Fliers for the event may be picked up at Eveleine's Feed and Tack, J&K Feed and Tack and Walco.