JetSetPoker.Com Can Prove They Give a Fair Deal

Reassurance for online poker enthusiasts: JetSetPoker have been told that their random number generator is reliable and secure after rigorous testing by Cigital, a leading provider of software quality management solutions. The RNG, used to shuffle and deal cards, was subjected to an in-depth analysis along with the procedural methods used to ensure the integrity of its output. The RNG passed all tests with 'no sign of statistical weaknesses.
'For gaming companies, the generation of reliable random numbers is an absolute necessity,' said Gary McGraw, Ph.D., chief technology officer at Cigital. 'We were impressed with the design of JetSetPoker's RNG and applaud its use of a sound entropy extraction algorithm applied to multiple entropy sources. After extensive analysis and testing, we are confident that JetSetPoker's RNG exceeds industry standards and consistently provides statistically random sequences when shuffling and dealing hands. This should provide players with a fair and enjoyable gaming experience.'
'We are absolutely committed to providing top-tier fairness and security to our players,' states Cassandra Ando, marketing vice president for JetSetPoker. 'Our decision to engage Cigital was driven by our desire for an expert, third-party certification of our card randomness and fundamental game integrity, which are the cornerstones of our business. Cigital's world-class reputation and recognized expertise in testing similar gaming systems made them the natural choice.'