Durrrr Challenge Action on Black Friday

On Friday, the ��durrrr Challenge" finally resumed between Tom ��durrrr�� Dwan and Daniel ��jungleman12�� Cates in the form of a 2,120-hand session. The match was characterized by big swings and monster pots, but not much money had changed hands. In fact, Dwan won but came out only a mediocre $13,000 ahead. That means, through 9,783 hands of the challenge, Cates still leads with $646,000 in profit.
While $13,000 may not have been the big win Dwan was hoping for, he can��t be too upset with the result considering that he was down $212,000 to Cates after 467 hands. However, play seemed to swing back in Dwan��s favor late in the match. On the 1,913th hand, he even managed to pull out in front by $91,000, his largest lead of the match. Unfortunately for him, that lead was slashed over the course of the next 200 hands.
Dwan Check-Calls the Entire Way
In one of the more notable hands of the match, Cates ($64,185.50) was on the button and raised to $800. Dwan ($160,375) reraised to $2,400 only to have Cates four-bet to $5,200. Dwan made the call and then checked the 3?6?6? flop. Cates took the opportunity to bet $4,800 and Dwan called.
When the 9? hit the turn, Dwan check-called a bet of $14,400 by Cates. The river was the 3? and once again Dwan checked. Cates moved all-in for his last $39,785.50, and Dwan quickly called. Cates showed K?K? but was behind Dwan��s 6?3? flopped full house. Cates had to rebuy while Dwan took down the pot worth $128,371.
Aces Versus Kings
In another memorable hand, Dwan ($52,584.50) raised to $1,200 on the button and Cates ($147,365.50) reraised to $4,400. Dwan called as the flop came down 7?4?10?. Cates led out with a bet of $4,800, Dwan called, and the J? appeared on the turn. Cates bet $13,400, Dwan moved all-in for $43,384.50, and Cates called.
Dwan: A?A?
Cates: K?K?
It was a classic aces versus kings situation and Cates was on the bad end of things. The pair agreed to run it twice but neither the 8? on the first river nor the 2? on the second helped Cates. Dwan��s aces held and he scooped the $105,169 pot.
Top Pair for Cates
Not all the big pots went Dwan��s way. In one particular hand, Cates ($69,795) raised to $1,200 on the button and Dwan ($51,397.50) responded by three-betting to $3,600. Cates called and the two watched the flop fall 4?8?K?. Dwan led out for $4,400, Cates made it $9,200, and Dwan called. He then checked the 2? turn, and Cates bet $12,400. Dwan check-raised all-in for $38,597.50 and Cates made the call.
Dwan: 8?9?
Cates: K?Q?
Dwan was behind with his pair of eights and needed help on the river. He would have two shots at it as the pair agreed to run it twice. The 7? on the first run was no help to Dwan and the 6? on the second gave Cates the entire $102,795 pot.
Dwan Runs Two Pair into a Set
Cates found himself the beneficiary of another big hand during the match. He was on the button with $45,799 and opted to raise to $800. Dwan ($221,959.50) then three-bet to $2,400, Cates made it $4,800 to go, and Dwan called. The flop came down J?9?10?, an action board to say the least. Dwan checked to Cates who bet a modest $5,200. Dwan responded by moving all-in and Cates called.
Dwan: J?9?
Cates: 10?10?
Dwan had flopped top and bottom pair but was behind Cates' set. They agreed to run the turn and river twice, with the first coming A?, A? and giving Cates a full house for half the pot. The second run saw the 3? hit the turn and Q? on the river. Cates scooped both halves to take down the pot worth $91,598.
The session didn't influence the challenge much in terms of money, but it did knock off a couple thousand hands. Will Cates and Dwan continue the challenge in the weeks ahead or will a break in the action follow? Poker fans will have to wait and see, but PokerNews will be there to bring you all the action.
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