partypoker Launches New App for Windows Phones

Android and iOS-powered devices dominate the smartphone market, yet the popularity of Windows Phones continues to rise and Microsoft is grabbing more market share with each passing month. Partypoker has reacted to this by creating a full native Windows Phone app, which has some new features designed to make easy to play poker on the go.
The new partypoker Windows Phone App is currently only available to customers from the United Kingdom, but is being made available across its dot-com customer base in the coming months. Currently in a beta release, the partypoker Windows Phone App gives players access to Texas hold��em and fastforward cash games, and for the first time ever on a partypoker mobile app, Omaha cash games are supported.
Another new feature is what partypoker is calling Gesture Based Game Controls, which are exactly as they sound. App users can increase and decrease their bet sizes with a slide of their finger, are able to flick their cards into the muck when they fold, and can drag their bet amounts onto the table. The app displays in portrait mode so when combined with the new gesture controls it makes playing real-money poker on the move, and one-handed, easier than ever before.
It is possible to create a partypoker account via the app's interface, plus there is a full cashier built in that allows players to make deposits and withdrawals from their Windows Phone so long as they have a mobile Internet or Wifi signal.
Although it is only cash games that are available at launch, tournament poker is planned for a future update, which is bound to be a hit with partypoker��s customers.
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