Off the Felt: Beers on the Beach and Smiles for Days

You may have noticed there was a two-week hiatus for this article. Hey, we all gotta have a vacation from time-to-time. Except, I didn't anything cool, except move from state to state. So, I'm relying on poker social to dream about the places I could have been, should have been visiting instead of U-Hauling my self across half the country.
There were lots of smiling faces, a couple of horses, and a cute baby that you just can't help but swoon over. Let's take a look at all the happenings from this week.
Liv, you'd be everyone's favorite science teacher.
Yes, we just posted a vid from Liv, but there's so much happiness from this one image that it needed to be shared. Smiles for everyone!
Alright, guys - time to shave it off or nah?
Mustapha, that smile is infectious!
A couple that goes apple-picking together, stays together.
Fedor, scooch over a little more, can't see Federer.
So two lads on horses walk into a bar...
Girl, what moisturizer do you use? That face lookin' fresh!
Is that a dog in a purse? That's a dog in a purse.
Selfies suit you.
Papa Mercier livin' that dad life.
Do you believe in magic?
Nice product placement.
OMG these two! Can't get enough.
Aunty Chardonnay has some competition!
Thanks for inviting us along for the ride.
So proper.
Porn stache fresh!
This does not look relaxing.
ET, phone home!
The world has got you in the palm of its hand.