Off the Felt: Moving Back To Holland & Working Out

In last week's edition of Off the Felt we looked to the start of the new football season, players with their little kids, beast-mode for Steven Van Zadelhoff and Daniel Negreanu, and Gus Hansen cleaning his house. This edition will feature popular streamer Lex "RaSZi" Veldhuis returning back to Holland and players working out once again.
After weeks of grinding, the 2018 World Championship of Online Poker ended Tuesday on PokerStars. Lex "RaSZi" Veldhuis had a rough series although he made a deep run in this Main Event. His followers clipped some of the highlights, resulting in this video. But the real highlight for Veldhuis came after finishing the WCOOP: the popular streamer moved back to Holland where he will return streaming on Monday.
He took all his stuff and after days of traveling, his journey ended:

Working Out
In the previous edition "Off the Felt", we saw players like Steven "SvZff" Van Zadelhoff and Daniel Negreanu in their best shape. Being in shape is (becoming) really important in the world of poker. Fedor Holz is also one of the players creating a better lifestyle:
Ronnie Bardah is also in great shape and he completed a 17-mile hike after two days and one night:
One of the best players in the world, Chris Moorman, had another approach: playing tennis and drinking mimosas before getting the grind started:
And we have to admit, we are a little jealous of his view during the grind:
Happy Birthday Fernando
Before starting another grind, Fernando "jnandez" Habegger celebrated his birthday. Hope you had a great day, Fernando!
Tourist In Your Own City
Anatoly Filatov is spending most of his time travelling from country to country, but this week he spent time in his own city Moscow and there were no reasons to complain: #lifeisgood!