partypoker Updates Software for Mac and Tournament Players

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Another big software release has just been rolled out at partypoker that will enhance the experience of both Mac users and tournament players.
Mac Enhancements
Mac users should notice some significant changes with the new rollout, highlighted by a new oval and racetrack table shape with improved player plates. Players can now choose whether they want to see the stack size or the number of big blinds for each player in the player plates.
The table and the background are both customizable with unique theme additions, and the players can also change the looks of both the front and back of the cards. Players can preview their customizations in the updated themes section in settings.
Those that like to take notes should be delighted that there are more color options and the software will optimize the display of notes on the player plate.

Tournament Enhancements
While HUDs are no longer allowed at partypoker, the latest update provides some key information to both Mac and Windows tournament players alike.
The data displayed clearly on the table includes the player's position, the total number of players remaining in the tournament, and the average stack in either chips or big blinds.
Besides, players will also be clearly shown through the multi-color ITM display how close they are to the money or if they reached it. No color means there is more than 120 percent of the number of players left to be in the money. The amber highlight represents when the field is down to 120 percent or less of the number of players in the money, and the green highlight will display once the tournament is in the money.
Also, partypoker has added a late-registration countdown timer to make it clearer when late registration closes. This is now in both the status column and the right-hand panel for a selected tournament in the lobby.
partypoker has also rolled out a new KO Series table theme to replace the recent POWERFEST theme to help support the upcoming KO Series that will feature $30 million in guaranteed prizes on Sept. 8-22.

One Click Bet
Another change, this one just for Windows users currently, is that players can now enable the new One Click Custom Bet feature in their global settings, giving them the ability to click a custom bet and place the bet immediately. This bet will not need to be reconfirmed by clicking the raise button, thus speeding up the game.