Rick Salomon Blasts Off With Six-High on High Stakes Poker

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Rick Salomon's High Stakes Poker Season 14 debut Monday on PokerGO featured a half-million-dollar disaster in a $500/$1,000 no-limit hold'em cash game.
The always loose and aggressive poker player who once co-starred in a sex tape with Paris Hilton sat down at the table during Episode 9 with Peter Wang, Justin Gavri, Nikhil "Nik Airball" Arcot, Vinny Lingham, and Alan Keating. More than $1.5 million was on the table when the cameras began rolling (actual chip counts below), and that doesn't even include Keating's stack as he arrived late.
Player | Chip Stack |
Rick Salomon | $500,000 |
Peter Wang | $300,000 |
Justin Gavri | $250,000 |
Nik Airball | $250,000 |
Vinny Lingham | $250,000 |
Gavri's Bad Luck Continues to Turn Around

Gavri has spent much of his High Stakes Poker career losing to coolers and bad beats. But that all turned around last week during Episode 8 when the deck smacked him in the face. He picked up where he left off by taking down the first pot of the night this week.
The hand, in a straddled pot, began with Gavri raising to $6,000 with 8?8?. Peter, who prefers to be referred to by his first name when he appears on shows such as Hustler Casino Live, called on the button with 5?3?. Salomon, who doesn't like to fold, called from the straddle with 4?3?.
The flop came out 2?6?3?, and Gavri continued with a $5,000 wager. Both players called to see the 5? on the turn, which locked up the hand for Gavri as no one else had a diamond. Action checked around to the 10? on the river. All three players checked around one last time, and the $35,500 pot went in Gavri's direction at showdown.
Nik Airball Attempts a Massive Bluff

Nik Airball, who will return to Hustler Casino Live this week following a one-year ban from Hustler Casino, attempted a huge bluff during Episode 9.
Lingham, who was active throughout the session, limped with A?10? before Peter made it $3,000 to go with 8?5? in the small blind. Airball, in the big blind and holding 9?7?, called, as did the limper.
To the flop they went, which came out J?A?7?. Peter, who completely missed the flop, led for $5,000 and received calls from both opponents. The turn was the 8?, and Peter, who paired up, checked. Airball, however, bet $20,000. That bet didn't get through as Lingham called with top pair, while Peter folded.
The river was the Q?. Nik Airball felt his bottom pair wouldn't win at showdown, so he fired out a massive bet of $70,000. Lingham went into the tank before deciding to fold the best hand, only for his opponent to giggle while showing the bluff.
"Let's f*****g play some poker, boys," Airball shouted as he scooped the pot.
Keating Just Goes All In

Keating finally showed up to the game and added another $500,000 to the table. It took him little time to make his presence felt. Action folded around to the new YouTuber who was on the button with pocket aces.
"All in," Keating announced.
There would be no standard raise from the high roller. He just shoved all in hoping either of the blinds would pick up a hand. Neither did, so he collected the blinds.
Keating then raised to $12,000 on the following hand with A?J? and again took down the pot without any post-flop action. As per usual, the Hustler Casino Live fan favorite brought the action and a ton of chips.
Alan Keating Makes Brilliant Call to Win $900K Pot on High Stakes Poker
Poker Hand of the Day

Keating was far from the only player at the table splashing around chips. Salomon, one of the most unpredictable high rollers, showed up ready to battle. But he picked an inopportune time to play for stacks.
Peter called the $2,000 straddle with 10?8? from an early position. Salomon, in the small blind with 6?3?, raised it up to $11,000. Gavri picked up Q?Q? on his straddle and three-bet to $35,000, receiving a call only from the original raiser.
The flop showed 4?2?7?, clean for Gavri, although his opponent did pick up a gutshot straight draw and backdoor flush possibilities. Salomon checked, while Gavri continued for $39,000. That was far from the end of the hand as an all in check-raise to $247,000 would follow. Gavri, with the over pair, quickly called, creating a pot of $567,000.
They opted to run it out twice, and the first one went 8?10?, while second came 9?7?, both nice and clean for Gavri, who collected the entire pot, the fourth largest thus far in Season 14.
Past High Stakes Poker Season 14 Episode Recaps
- Episode 1: Jared Bleznick Takes Brutal $450K Bad Beat in High Stakes Poker Season 14 Opener
- Episode 2: Recreational Player has a Horrific Session on High Stakes Poker
- Episode 3: High Stakes Poker Pot Cracks $600K on Brutal Bad Beat
- Episode 4: Is this the Weirdest Played Hand Ever on High Stakes Poker?
- Episode 5: Best Hand Folds What Would Have Been Nearly $1M Pot on High Stakes Poker
- Episode 6: Alan Keating Makes Brilliant Call to Win $900K Pot on High Stakes Poker
- Episode 7: Phil Hellmuth Quits Game After Two Coolers on High Stakes Poker
- Episode 8: Scott Seiver Goes for the Double Check-Raise in Six-Figure 'High Stakes Poker' Pot
To watch past episodes of High Stakes Poker, visit PokerGO.
*Images courtesy of PokerGO/Antonio Abrego