Overlays Continue at Global Poker Despite Record Turnouts

Players continue to flock to Global Poker, and are doing so in record numbers, but that is not preventing the innovative online poker site from paying significant overlays in a significant number of its tournaments.
During last weekend��s Gold Coin Challenge tournaments, Global Poker gave away more than SC$4,000 in overlays despite the fact the action at Global Poker is reaching record numbers in terms of number of players grinding at the site.
One of the most popular tournaments found at Global Poker is the SC$10,000 Guaranteed tournament, which saw 181 players compete for a slice of the prize pool. This exciting event has almost doubled in size during the past couple of weeks. In fact, number of entrants across the weekend��s Gold Coin Challenge tournaments have increased by some 10 percent over the past two weeks.
If the number of players at Global Poker continues to grow at the projected rate, overlays may become a thing of the past. That said, Global Poker has gained a reputation for giving and being one of the most generous online poker sites in the world, it is likely the poker room will increase the guarantees to give more value to its players. Global Poker did this in the SC$7,500 Guaranteed when the guarantee was missed by a mere $300. Instead of keeping the guarantee the same, Global Poker increased the prize money to SC$10,000.
A New Game in Town
Being a modern poker room, Global Poker is active across forums and its own social media channels, particularly Facebook where they ask for feedback from their valued players. This feedback has resulted in Global Poker offering fixed-limit hold��em games with blinds ranging from SC$0.02/SC$0.04 to SC$0.25/SC$0.50.
Now that Global Poker spreads several poker variants with decent fields and large overlays, there is no better place to legally play real money poker in the United States. Sign up for your free account today.