Strategy with Kristy Podcast: Lex Veldhuis Discusses Pot-Limit Omaha

Lex Veldhuis has always been acclaimed for his no-limit hold'em cash-game skills, but he has recently transitioned to pot-limit Omaha. He's been putting in thousands upon thousands of hands in an attempt to become highly skilled in a game that is new to him.
For this edition of Strategy with Kristy, Veldhuis sits down with Donnie Peters and Kristy Arnett to discuss three cash-game pot-limit Omaha hands he played online. To view the hand history for these hands, check Arnett's latest PokerNews Blog post.
Here is a snippet from the interview in which Veldhuis shares a hand he feels he misplayed [game details and action of the hand is written separately]:
[B][I]Game:[/I][/B] $2/$4 pot-limit Omaha
[B][I]Preflop Action:[/I][/B] Veldhuis raised to $12 under-the-gun with 10?8?6?4?. Next to act, Villain reraised to $42. Action folded around. Veldhuis four-bet to $132, and Villain called.
Before we talk about this hand, I've been noticing that I don't have a four-bet fold range. Anything I four-bet, I'm like, "OK let's go." For instance, I'll have good double-suited kings, aces, or an insane rundown against a guy who three-bets a lot and anytime I four-bet, I pretty much go for the hand. I've been trying to put more stuff in my range where I four-bet fold because I'm always really impressed when someone does that. I'm trying to incorporate that into my play, so I figured I'd choose hands with holes in them so that I wouldn't want to just run it out with them, but that can flop really well.
[B][I]Flop Action:[/I][/B] The flop came A?Q?2?. Veldhuis bet $100, and Villain called.
The flop is pretty perfect for my four-betting range because I "never" four-bet bluff. So I don't have to bet big on this flop, and also by the way, I have two backdoor flush draws and running gutshots. The most important thing about this is the ace of course. I know that he doesn't have aces because he's going to pot preflop. People don't really three-bet all that much with queens, so I don't think he has a set. I can bet really small I think, to represent aces because I "want" action. I'm pretty much all-in anyway. I bet $100. I would have actually liked to bet a little smaller, but I think $100 is fine.
When he called the flop, I made the mistake of thinking that he'd do that with draws. I thought he might have some gunshot type of hand or something like queen-jack-ten but queen-jack-ten is like the only hand I could see him calling the flop and folding the turn. It's so wrong to put someone on one specific hand. I think most of the time, he's just going to have an ace, and on a good turn for him, he's just going to call. People just don't call this flop and fold. I went all-in on the turn, which is just horrible.
[B][I]Turn Action:[/I][/B] The turn was the 4?. Veldhuis moved all-in for $254, and Villain called with A?Q?7?6?.
He called with top two pair, but I don't think that he would have folded any ace to me in this case. I think the only chance I had was to get him to fold with a small bet on the flop since I was representing a strong range with my four-bet preflop. I should have stopped on the turn because if he did have king-jack-ten, he's not going to fold anyway. It's just one of those hands where I had to hope he had a low rundown hand that he'd fold on the flop. This is just one of those hands where I wasn't thinking about ranges well enough. This isn't a spot where people peel with like queen-ten-nine-seven to see the turn because they know I'm going to be firing.
Want to know what else Veldhuis told Arnett and Peters? You're going to have to listen to the podcast:
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