Do You Know How Often You Should Get Dealt Aces? Find Out Here!

Have you ever sat their folding hand after hand waiting to pick up a monster hand or even pocket aces? Simple probability can show youwhat the probability is of picking up certain poker hands.
Thankfully, the helpful people over at GGPoker have put together a handy Probability Chart for you to use while you're playing, showing the probability and odds of getting dealt certain hands.
Here we go over a couple of the important things to keep in mind when you're next loading up the GGPoker client or playing poker with friends.
WSOP Super Circuit Online Series Announced on GGPoker
- Pocket Aces: According to GGPoker's Probability Chart, you should expect to pick up aces every 221 hands.
- Three of a Kind: The probability of getting three cards of the same rank in a hand of poker is 2.1128% or 46.33 to 1
- Royal Flush: Everyone knows that according to the poker rules, a Royal Flush is the best hand you can make. However, it's also the least likely of all possible hands. The probability is a miniscule 0.000154% or once every 649,739 hands. That's a lot of poker!
If you need to brush up on your poker knowledge, check out the poker hand rankings chart on PokerNews

- Straight Flush: You might think the odds of making a straight flush might be slightly better, but it's still tiny at just 0.0015% or once every 72,192 hands.
- Suited connectors: What if you don't want to think about the end result, you just want to pick up some attractive suited connectors? You're still looking at picking them up once every 24.5 hands.
- Big Pairs: Ok, so maybe you don't want to be greedy and pick up aces every time, what about JxJx, QxQx, KxKx and AxAx? It's still 0.181 or 54.25 to 1.
Want to learn more? Why not check out the PokerNews Poker Odds Calculator!