Just Wingin' It

Level 2
: 100/200, 0 ante
The player under the gun raised to 450 and the next player reraised to 1,100. Tom Wing was on the button and flatted the three-bet. The original raiser also called.
The three players took the flop of . The first player checked and the next player fired 2,500. Wing made the call and the original preflop raiser folded.
The turn added the to the board and action checked to Wing. He fired 6,500 and was called.
The completed the board on the river and the first player checked. Wing fired 18,000 and his opponent made the call.
Wing showed the for top pair on the flop that turned into a straight on the river. His opponent held the
for a set of eights. Wing won the pot and pushed his stack to 55,000 in chips.