Boxed Cards Pot Goes to Zheng
Jackson Zheng opened to 600 from the hijack as the button and big blind made the call to see a flop fall.
The big blind and Zheng checked as the button fired out 1,000 to prompt a fold from the big blind.
Zheng then noticed that the was showing on top of the deck, and once the Tournament Director was called, it was decided that the
would be handled as a boxed card and consequently regarded as not being in play.
The dealer then placed it in the muck only to see that the next card on the deck was also faced up, and amazingly it was another six - the
With the problem resolved, Zheng made the call as the was dealt on the turn and both players checked that, along with the
on the river.
The player on the button tabled his , but it would be Zheng's
that would see him collect the pot and move to 33,600 in chips.