Jin Fumbles His Chips
We caught the action in a blind battle between Annica Ivert and Yonh Zhi Jin on the turn when the board read . Ivert bet 8,300 from the small blind and Jin tanked for quite a while before making the call.
On the river the hit and this time Ivert opted to check.
Jin started to put together a bet, at least that's what it seemed like, before fumbling the chips back into his stack. Chips were now scattered and with shaking hands Jin tried to put his stack back together. All of this easily took 90 seconds and Sam Razavi could not hide his frustration, as the player could've easily announced a bet or put some chips forward.
The fumbling went on for another minute before, out of nowhere, he decided to check. Ivert sheepishly turned over for bottom pair and Jin showed his
for three of a kind to take down this pot.
Player | Chips | Progress |
10,000 |
-15,000 |