Antonius Survives
Level 14
: 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

Haibo Chu entered the pot from early position to 8,000 only to have Patrik Antonius three-bet the button to 23,000.
Chu made the call before checking the {10c] flop as Antonius continued for 35,000. Chu responded with a check-raise to 135,000 only to immediately have Antonius come over the top by moving all in for 278,000.
Chu went deep into the tank as forty, yes forty, players crowded table twenty-five in anticipation of a potential bubble burst.
After several minutes in the tank, Chu slid the chips into the pot signifying a call.
With Antonius in great shape to double, the turn and river blanked out with the and
falling to see him double through to the chip lead with 609,000 as Chu slips to 110,000.