Fagerstr?m Wins Blind vs. Blind Battle

Level 10
: 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Rune Nikolaisen in the small blind and Toni Fagerstr?m in the big blind were both in a short-stacked blind on blind battle that generated about 14,000 in the pot preflop.
Fagerstr?m check-jammed the flop for about 14,000. Nikolaisen who had him covered called.
Rune Nikolaisen:
Toni Fagerstr?m:
Nikolaisen was in the lead with his two-pair looking better than his opponent's top pair. The came on the turn to open up a flush draw.
Instead of nailing a flush Fagerstr?m locked down a better two pair after the completed the board on the river to double up.
Player | Chips | Progress |
11,000 |
14,000 |