You're, Like, a Big Bari, Man
There was an opening raise and a three-bet from the hijack and cutoff seats respectively, and Allen Bari four-bet it from the button. In the blinds, Tobias Reinkemeier five-bet shoved all in for his last ~12,500. Everyone folded to Bari, and he called off the extra few thousand to put Reinkemeier at risk.
"No respect, Tobias! No respect," Bari prodded, both men smirking at each other. For Reinkemeier's part, he seemed content to flip for double or nothing.
It would be nothing. The flop was a safe
, but Bari liked the
turn. "That's not a good card for you," he said, and he was right. The river
filled in Bari's wheel straight, earning him the knockout and ridding himself of a dangerous player on his left.
"Good luck in Partouche, Tobias," was Bari's parting comment, and the two men shook hands as Reinkemeier headed out the door.
"Careful," warned Kathy Liebert from across the table. "You're gonna ruin your bad boy image if you keep being so nice."
Bad boy or not, Allen Bari is doing quite well with about 95,000 right now.