Guillermo Garcia Eliminated in 12th Place (�20,486)

Guillermo Garcia, down to 73,000 after doubling up Jason Lee, went all in under the gun. In the cutoff, Fabrizio Ascari tanked up for a while - and then explained to the table that he had spoken to God, and God had told him to pass. He did what the Big Guy suggested, and folded.
Over to Jason Lee on the button, who reshoved for around 550,000.
"Thank you sir," said Ascari, looking at the ceiling where we presume he thinks God lives.
Over to Martin Jacobson in the big blind - who called.
Three-way showdown!
The tens held up and Garcia duly busted out. Lee more than doubled to 1.2 million, while former chip monster Jacobson was left with a well-below-average 600,000.