Salter The Chip Leader Again

Hand #11: Jack Salter opened in the cutoff for 115,000. Mayu Roca on the button made the call holding the
, his other card didn't get picked up by the scanners initially. Later it was revealed he had
Heads up to the flop: and Salter made trips. Salter didn't make a continuation bet though, he checked to Roca. Roca checked behind and the
fell on the turn. Salter now did bet out, 155,000 into 340,000. Roca made the call.
on the river ands with 650,000 in the pot, Salter bet out 365,000 growing the pot to 1,015,000. Roca thought about it for a little bit, and then folded.
With that hand Salter took over the chip lead again playing 4,545,000 in chips.
Hand #12: Jack Salter opened the hijack with for 115,000 while still stacking the chips he won in the last hand. Magnus Karlsson on the button with the dominating
made the call.
on the flop and 340,000 in the middle. Both players flopped a gutshot and Salter continued with a 145,000 bet. Karlsson folded, and said "Friendly! You had it"
Hand #13: Salter opened under the gun plus one with for 115,000. Moennig, with fewer than twenty big blind,found
on the button and shipped it in. 935,000 in total, 820,000 for Salter to call.
"This is such a stupid raise" said Salter who actually had a hand for once. He did fold in the end. "This was the biggest laydown of my life" he said. "I had two of the same, that's not shit. You'll see!" he added.