"It was a strange hand, but I had a bad feeling"

Hand #34: Under the gun Karlsson with made it 125,000. Jack Salter with
... folded. Raise and take it.
Hand #35: Salter on the button with opened for 125,000. Everyone folded, one more raise and take it.
Hand #36: Buonanno opened for 125,000 under the gun with . Everyone folded, you know the drill; raise and take it.
Hand #37: Salter opened under the gun with for 125,000. Karlsson on the button with
three-bet to 285,000. Salter thought about it, but Karlsson seemed so relaxed and Salter folded.
Hand #38: Mayu Roca raised to 125,000 with under the gun. Magnus Karlsson had
in the cutoff and made the call. Malte Moennig folded, and so did Antonio Buoanno. Salter had
and asked how much everybody exactly had. Salter made the call and it was three-way to the flop.
on the flop and Salter bet out 180,000. Roca folded, and so did Karlsson.
Hand #39: Buonanno had and opened for 125,000 from the button. Salter had
in the small blind and made the call. Roca in the big blind with
made the call as well.
and Salter and Roca checked. Buonanno made a 150,000 continuation bet into two persons. Salter called, Roca folded.
on the turn and Salter checked again. With 725,000 in the pot it was Buonanno betting 225,000. Salter folded and said "It was a strange hand, but I had a bad feeling."