Salter Extends His Lead

Hand #56: Moennig opened the button with for 165,000. Both blinds folded and Moennig picked up the blinds and antes.
Hand #57: Buonanno on the button raised with to 160,000. Mayu Roca had
in the big blind and made the call.
on the flop and Roca checked his top pair. Buonanno checked his flush draw.
The on the turn gave Roca trips and again he checked. Buonanno did the same.
The fell on the river and Roca bet out 270,000. Buonanno made the call, but mucked as he couldn't beat Rocas's trips.
Hand #58: Buonanno raised to 185,000 under the gun with . Roca in the small blind folded ace-eight, and Moennig folded his king-three from the big blind.
Hand #59: Salter opened the cutoff and everyone folded.
Hand #60: Buonanno limped in from the small blind holding . Jack Salter in the big blind with
raised it up to 180,000 and Buonanno made the call.
400,000 in the pot going to the flop: . Buonanno checked and so did Salter. The
on the turn made Buonanno check again. Salter now bet 150,000 and Buonanno called.
700,000 in the pot by the time the fell on the river. Both players checked and Buonanno took it down with his two pair.
Hand #61: Buonanno opened with to 160,000 from the button. Jack Salter had a pair one higher and flatted with his
out of the small blind.
440,000 in the pot as the flop came . Salter bet out 150,000 and Buonanno made the call. The
fell on the turn and Salter bet another time; 265,000. Buonanno made the call which made the pot grow to 1,270,000.
The on the river made both players check and Salter took it down with his sixes.