Boeree Folds Aces to Lew on the Twitch Special

Randy "nanonoko" Lew tried to raise pre-flop with but it was eventually ruled as a limp. Liv Boeree was in the big blind with
and raised to 3,500. Lew called.
The flop came and Boeree continued for 3,500. Lew raised to 8,800.
"What do you have?" asked Boeree.
"I have a set," replied Lew.
Boeree called and she then checked the turn and Lew bet 16,200.
"I have a set," said Lew.
"You've played it like a set," replied Boeree.
Boeree called and the river was the . Boeree checked again and Lew asked the dealer how much was in the pot.
"Hi, I'm nanonoko; I play 24 tables online; I've played 13 million hands of online poker," mocked tablemate Lex Veldhuis.
"Why do you want to know how much is in the pot?" asked Fintan Hand.
"I'm trying to bet big," replied Lew before betting 56,000.
Boeree stewed with her decision. "I don't know if you're smooth enough to do this as a bluff," she said aloud before eventually folding.
Lew triumphantly turned over just the and took down the early pot in the PokerStars Ambassador Twitch Special.
"You're worried now," he said, "These guys are worried!"