Seat 1: Owen Dodd, 31, United Kingdom (2,950,000)

What are friends for? In Owen Dodd��s case, they��re for persuading you to play
tournaments on the European Poker Tour (EPT). The 31-year-old from Telford only
started playing tournament poker six months ago at the behest of a couple of close
mates. ��They both kept telling me I would crush these tournaments,�� he says.
It turns out his mates were right, as he��s now made an EPT final table on his very first
attempt. But just because Dodd is new to tournaments doesn��t mean he��s new to poker.
Formerly a groundworker, Dodd started playing around eight years ago (��More
seriously for the past four��) and is now a high-stakes cash pro and a regular on the
Dusk Till Dawn live streams where he battles in games as big as ��50/��100.
He hates online poker but loves live cash for its social element, regularly travelling the
tournament circuit with friends despite not playing. ��I��d just go, play cash, and rail them
boys,�� he says.
��Them boys�� he��s referring to �C the same friends who convinced him to play �C are EPT
London champion Ian Hamilton and Barcelona finalist Carl Shaw. Between them, they know a good player when they see one. Now it��s their turn on Dodd's rail.