"This is #$%&! Ridiculous!"

Over at table 23 there was some controversy going on. With a board of Miroslav Rizov from Bulgaria in the cut off had 575 in front of him and his cards facedown across the betting line. His neighbor Konstantinos Tsirakidis from Greece on the button had 350 and
opened up in front if him.
It turned out that Rizov had checked on the river, Tsirakidis had bet three 100 chips and two 25 chips. Rizov thought one of the 25 chips was a 100 chip and wanted to call with one 500 chip and three 25 chips. Before anything else happened Tsirakidis showed the winning hand and Rizov mucked as he was beat by the two pair. Now it turned out the 575 was a raise - an illegitimate one, but a raise nonetheless.
The floor was called over and he made a ruling that wasn't to the liking of Rizov. "You're going to make me raise after showdown? This is #$%&! ridiculous!" said an angered Rizov. The floor than called over Luca Vivaldi who made the ruling that Rizov wasn't forced to make the raise to 700, but he would have to forfeit the 575 in front of him. Rizov and one more player at the table didn't understand this ruling at all, as they thought it was either a call or a raise, half a raise wasn't possible they said; "Please call over someone who knows the rules! Call over Thomas!"
Luca called over tournament director Thomas Lamatsch and he made sure both players understood that the hard ruling would be that Rizov had to raise to 700, only to give back all options to Tsirakidis who would obviously call (or raise) as he already knew he had the best hand with his back doored two pair. Instead they would be more kind and just have him forfeit the 575. Rizov still didn't really agree, but thought the whole thing was taking too long and so he gave the 575 and with some muttering proceeded to play the next hand.