Linton Vs Lieu

I joined the table as Liz Lieu was facing a hefty bet from Pete Linton. It was 25,000 to call. Just a single orange chip that Linton had flicked out on the table from his huge stack.
For Lieu though it represented a substantial portion of her stack. A lot of it had already been invested in this hand, but that was gone now.
She had already been thinking for five minutes. No one was looking to call the clock, this seemed like a real decision. Agony was etched on her face. She had played so well and patiently all day and it seemed that it could all come down to this one decision against a very aggressive opponent.
25,000 to call. 60,000 already in the pot.
The board read
Lieu pondered on, riffling her chips. Two, three more minutes passed. She counted her stack and glanced again at the pot.
With a sigh, she finally pushed her two cards to the dealer. Whatever they were, they weren��t worth 25,000. Not this time.
Another big pot was pushed towards Linton and a grin split his face.
��How did it go down?�� I ask.
��Check raised the flop. Check raised the turn. Bet the River.�� He tells me. ��Double sandbagged.��
James Aitkenhead, at the same table, tells him to cut out the needling, he��s always at it.
��We��ve hardly ever played together though.�� Linton replies.
��Bristol, Newcastle���� Aitkenhead rattles off a few venues.
��Yeah, we did play a few pots together.�� Linton suddenly recalls.
I have one more question for Linton. ��Did you have it?��
He just grins at me and gets back to stacking his chips.