Some Serious Raisin' Goin' On

We've seen a few, shall we say, interesting bet sizes today. During the first level, Jason Mercier opened a pot with a mini-raise to 200 before an opponent three-bet shoved for about 27,000. Mercier folded that one, and we just caught another odd reraise, this time at Carlos Mortensen's table.
A player had limped in from early position before Carlos Mortensen raised to 2,000 straight. On the button, Aaron Mermelstein thought a reraise was in order, and he made it 37,000 to go. That quickly folded the limper, but "The Matador" spent a long five minutes or so considering before he reluctantly released his cards. Mermelstein asked if Mortensen wanted to see it, and he slapped his
on the felt as the dealer pushed him the pot. He risked nearly his full stack, but it's allowed Mermelstein to add 3,450 chips to his tally.
Oh, and don't worry about Mortensen; he's still got 84,000 chips in front of him.