Christian Harder Chooses Right Briefcase to Win Gold Pass

With Maria Konnikova still hanging around in the 6-Max Championship, a decision was made for the three bounty winners to choose and open their mystery bounty briefcases.
Christian Rose and Gilson De Oliviera had the first choice of briefcases before longtime pro Christian Harder had to choose between Briefcases #1 and #4. He chose #1.

It was the right choice as it soon after popped open to reveal a Gold Pass package to NAPT Las Vegas valued at $10,000.
Many cheered for Harder, though there were a few light-hearted boos.
"Of course Charter won the $10k!" someone said.
Harder has had plenty of luck in this poker room. Ten years ago, he took down the Maryland Live! Summer Series of Poker Main Event for $84,270.