Hachem Wants Action

Three players took a flop of
with about 13,000 in the pot, and the action checked around to late position. The player on the button bet 7,000, and that was enough to quickly fold Randy Lew. Joe Hachem was the third player in the hand, though, and he proceeded to check-raise all in for his last 33,800.
The shove sent his opponent deep into the tank, and it was several minutes before he finally released his cards into the muck. Hachem let out a disappointed sigh. "Tell the truth about what you had and I'll show you," Hachem said to the man across the table. When his opponent told him, "I had pocket jacks," Hachem incredulously continued, "How could you not call?!"
Hachem rolled over his
as he scooped up that not-as-big-as-he'd-have-liked pot. Mark him down for close to 55,000 now.