Dowdy and DeMaci Exchange Blows

From under the gun, 2010 North American Poker Tour Los Angeles Main Event runner-up Chris DeMaci raised to 19,000. James Dowdy called from the cutoff seat and the flop came down . DeMaci checked and Dowdy checked.
The turn card brought the and DeMaci checked again. Dowdy bet 32,000 only to have DeMaci check-raise to 94,000. Dowdy stuck around by making the call.
The fell on the river and DeMaci bet 137,000. Dowdy asked how much the bet was for and then made the call. He called with bottom set holding the
and DeMaci mucked his hand without showing.
On the very next hand, Dowdy opened from the hijack seat to 20,000 and DeMaci defended with a call from the big blind to see the flop come down . DeMaci checked and Dowdy bet 24,000. Guess what? DeMaci check-raised again, this time to 57,000. Dowdy made the call.
The fell on the turn and a bet of 115,000 was slid out by the former chip leader of this event. Dowdy mumbled some words to himself, checked his hand once more and then tossed it into the muck.
After those two confrontations, Dowdy sits at 652,000 and DeMaci at 495,000.