Hands #297-307: Morris And Hindocha Battle Back and Forth

Hand #297: Steven Morris checked his option in the big blind with after Hindocha limped from the button with
. The flop came
and Hindocha's bet was enough to take the pot.
Hand #298: Morris folded after limping on the button as Hindocha moved all in with from the big blind.
Hand #299: Morris turned top pair with from the button and took down the pot after a continuation bet.
Hand #300: Morris folded the button with as Hindocha held
Hand #301: Hindocha limped from the button with and Morris checked with
. The flop came
and Hindocha's 100,000 bet got Morris to fold.
Hand #302: Hindocha moved all in with after Morris limped
on the button and folded.
Hand #303: Hindocha limped on the button and Morris checked with
. The flop fell
and Morris bet 125,000 which got Hindocha to fold.
Hand #304: Hindocha gets a walk in the big blind.
Hand #305: Hindocha raised to 300,000 with from the button and Morris folded.
Hand #306: Another walk for Hindocha in the big blind.
Hand #307: Hindocha called from the button with and Morris checked. Another continuation bet on the
flop was enough for Hindocha to increase his stack after Morris folded.