Tepper Gone
Level 8
: 800/1,600, 200 ante

Amnon Filippi opened to 3,000, Marko Neumann called with the button and Rob Tepper moved all in for his last 3,400 in the small blind. Knowing no one could raise behind, Chris Klodnocki called from the big blind and so too did Filippi and Neumann.
The flop fell and Klodnicki led for 8,000. Filippi folded and Neumann raised to 19,000. Klodnicki folded and it was showdown time.
Tepper had top pair with a king kicker, but Neuman's flush and straight draws parlayed with his jack outs made him a mathematical favorite. The on the turn gave him the spade flush, but Tepper had redraw outs going to the river. The river was black, but the
wouldn't suffice and Tepper was eliminated.