To Show or Not To Show

On the board, Dani Stern checked. Christoph Vogelsang fired a bet of 7,500, and Stern called to see the
complete the board on the river. Stern and Vogelsang both checked, and then Stern turned over the
for two pair. The table pleaded with Vogelsang to show, but Vogelsang didn't want to and tossed his hand to the muck.
Scott Seiver, who was seated to the left of Vogelsang, said he could ask to see Vogelsang's hand, which then prompted a debate as to what the official ruling was in regards to requesting to see hands at showdown. After Vogelsang's hand was mucked, Seiver had said, "You know I can make you show, right?"
The floor staff was called over to get the official ruling for the future. The hand was explained, and the floor staff ruled that only another player in the hand at showdown �� in this case, Stern �� could ask to see an opponent's hand.