McTaggart Tangles With Van Keleren

Level 2
: 100/200, 0 ante
Paul McTaggart raised to 475 from early position and the action folded around to the button, who in this hand was Daniel Van Kelkeren. After a brief pause, Van Kelkeren three-bet to 1,200. Both blinds ducked out of the way but McTaggart wasn't ready to let his hand go and instead four-bet to 3,000. Van Kelkeren called.
The first three community cards ran and McTaggart announced "1,800" as he tossed two blue 1,000 chips into the pot. Van Kelkeren called and watched on as the
became the turn card. McTaggart fired again, increasing his bet to 3,500 and this was enough to get the job done as Van Kelkeren relinquished his hand.