Chiboub Feeling Right at Home

A player in late position raised to 2,000 and got two callers, including the boisterous Majid Chiboub in the small blind. Chiboub is a local regular here at Casino de Marrakech, and has been chatting up his table constantly, almost as though he is hosting.
The flop came monotone -- -- and it checked to the preflop raiser who continued with a bet of 5,000. The player behind him folded, then Chiboub set out a raise to 10,000. His opponent pushed all in, and Chiboub quickly called with his remaining chips, flipping over
for the nut flush. His opponent showed his
and was drawing thin.
The remaining community cards were swiftly delivered -- -- and Chiboub scored a big double-up. He voiced his excitement long enough for the tournament director to visit him with a "s'il vous pla?t" to calm him down.
Chiboub is now sitting quietly, although the smile on his face continues to communicate his comfort level sitting behind a stack of about 70,000.