2009 World Series of Poker Circuit - Council Bluffs
$5,150 Circuit Championship Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info
"Pocket deuces?" replied Hale, with a big smirk. "If you have pocket deuces, I would highly recommend you call, knock me out, and move up in the payouts."
After just another minute, McDonald emphatically announced, "All right, I call!" With that, Hale's tournament life was once again in jeopardy. Meierotto folded.


Trouble found Hale as the flop rolled out

Stay seated, Jesse. The turn brought the

McDonald made the call after pausing for a moment. "Now, I just don't understand that," commented Hale on McDonald's smooth call preflop. Meierotto then folded.
The flop came down

"I'm buying dinner either way," said Hale. "Dinner with the wine."
McDonald was in the tank for about two minutes while Hale walked away from the table to use his phone after asking one of the floor members if he could do so. While he was away from the table, McDonald looking at his wife on the rail and said, "We're winners either way, right?" She smiled just as McDonald said, "I call!"


Tom Sexton announced the hands as Hale came quickly back to the table. The dealer then burned and turned -- the

"I got a flush draw," joked Hale.
The dealer then slowly burned for the final time and dealt the river... the

"You're buying dinner now," said Hale.
McDonald was all in for 248,000 total, leaving Hale with a little over 120,000 chips. After a few moments went by, Hale asked McDonald what he thought he was up against. "I just didn't think you were that strong," responded McDonald.
Level: 15
Blinds: 6,000/12,000
Ante: 2,000
Jesse Hale - 465,000
John McDonald - 291,000

The turn paired the bottom card with the

The river brought the

After a few verses, Hale stopped and cautioned, "I better not sing too much or some F-bombs might get me a penalty and I'll be blinded off."
The rest of the table and the fans chuckled and applauded in response to Hale's singing, but I don't think he'll be signing a rap deal anytime soon.

McDonald checked dark and the flop came down

The turn was the

After the river fell the

Fourth street comes the

"Why so much, Jesse?" he wonders aloud. After another minute, he walks all the way around the table to join Hale, who is kneeling up on his chair with one leg. "Do you want me to call?" he asked.
"I'll give you either of those questions you want. You asked two, and I'll answer one of them. Any one you want."
"All right. Why so much?" repeats McDonald.
Hale proceeds to explain that if he made a normal raise, he wouldn't be able to make a big all in move on the river. Hence, he elected to just shove right then and there. Seemingly satisfied by the answer, McDonald slowly walks the long way back to his own chair and quickly slips his cards back to the dealer.