Jason Burt Eliminated in 7th Place ($51,607)

Andy Frankenberger raised to 35,000 from the hijack and Jason Burt moved all in from the cutoff.
Chris Klodnicki asked for a count from the button and as soon as the dealer announced the 224,000, he instantly slid a calling stack forward. Chris Bell was next, and he stood up from the small blind, looking pained by the decision he was facing. After about a couple minutes of consideration, Bell announced that he was all in for 619,000 total!
Frankenberger folded and action was back on Klodnicki. It was 395,000 for him to call, but he clearly did not like his hand as much as he did before. There was another couple minutes of tanking, but Klodnicki could not call. He opted to give it up, eager to see what Bell's holdings were.
"Can't fold queens, huh?" Klodnicki asked with a half-smirk.
The board ran out , safe for Bell and upping his stack to about 1.1 million. In the process, he's eliminated Jason Burt in 7th place, good for more than $50,000 and some face time on TV to boot.