Mort Getting Frisky
Sam Stein opened to 550, and Erik Seidel flat-called in position. The action came to Carlos Mortensen, and he squeezed in a reraise to 2,100 total. Stein called the raise, but Seidel made another raise of his own, making it 7,100 straight. Mortensen responded by shoving all in, and that finally shook Stein and Seidel off their hands.
Mortensen flashed his mighty
as he pulled in more than 10,000 free chips.
As he gauged the looks from Seidel and Stein, Mortensen broke into a big smirk. "Come on," he said, "I haven't played a hand in so long!"
A few hands later, Mortensen's
got lucky to eliminate a player with
after all the money went in preflop. The board ran
, and Mortensen binked his ace to earn the knockout and push his stack up to about 37,000.