LePage Torn

Annie LePage came into the day riding a short stack of just 12bb, and she waited about an orbit before making her stand. From middle position, LePage shoved in for right around 10,000, and Matthew Weber isolated with a big reraise right next door. When the rest of the table folded out of the way, the cards were turned up.
The flop was maximum sweat-age as it came out
, hitting both players pretty hard. LePage was still well behind, but she now had eight outs to make the winning straight.
Turn: .
An even better sweat! LePage added another handful outs with the spade draw, but they would prove to be insufficient. The river was the wrong shade of black, and Weber's set of tens hold to give him the knockout. He was already one of the big stacks, and he's worked his count up over 120,000 with that pot.