Kenny Tran Bluffs Greg Mueller -- Or Does He?

Mueller went into the tank for several long minutes, really struggling with his decision. He could afford the call, and he had chips set aside for the call so he could see how it would affect his stack if he lost. When a few other players started to get restless, Mueller said, "This is the first time it's taken me more than two seconds to act on my hand all day. Give me another thirty or so."
After another thirty seconds, he looked at Tran and said, "Don't show me a bluff. If you're bluffing, I don't want to know it." He struggled for another ten seconds or so, and as he was about to fold, reminded Tran that he didn't want to see a bluff.
Mueller folded, leaving himself with 586,000 in chips.
As the dealer was pushing the massive pot over to Tran, he was laughing, saying he really wanted to show his hand, but Mueller protested. Tran said the rest of the table deserved to see the bluff, especially if it could tilt Mueller. But he finally mucked his cards, putting Mueller's mind at ease.