2007 World Series of Poker
Event 11 - $5,000 Seven Card Stud
Day: 3
Event Info
Seat 5 - Chris Reslock - 1,000,000
Seat 6 - David Oppenheim - 180,000
David Oppenheim: (

Chris Reslock: (

The final hands showed:
David Oppenheim: (

Chris Reslock: (

Oppenheim's pair of kings held up to win the pot, and he doubled up to about 175,000.

David Oppenheim: X X

Fourth street: Oppenheim checks, Reslock bets 30,000, and Oppenheim calls.
Fifth street: Oppenheim checks, Reslock bets 60,000, and Oppenheim calls.
Sixth street: Oppenheim bets 60,000, and Reslock calls.
Seveth street: Oppenheim checks, Reslock bets 60,000, and Oppenheim calls.
Reslock shows

David Oppenheim: X X

Sixth street: Both players check.
Seventh street: Reslock bets 40,000, and Oppenheim thinks for about 2-3 minutes before he folds. Reslock takes the pot.