Looking a bit deperate currently is Yueqi "Rich" Zhu, on just 70,000.
2008 World Series of Poker
Event 10 - $2,500 Omaha/Seven Card Stud Hi-Low-8 or Better
Day: 3
Event Info
Looking a bit deperate currently is Yueqi "Rich" Zhu, on just 70,000.
Chambers raises it up preflop and Cernuto calls in the blind. Chambers takes it down with a bet on the

Level: 23
Blinds: 0/0
Ante: 0

With barely any chips left, it was a matter of Racener betting as the limits allowed and Rouhani matching him until he was all in.


Rouhani's flush beat Racener's two pair, and the Spiky one got the point and took his leave.
Racener came in for 20,000, Rouhani followed, Chambers completed, Racener folded, Rouhani called.
Racener =

Rouhani =

Chambers =

Split pot. Rouhani takes high with the house sixes full of aces, Chambers the low with A-2-4-5-7.
John Cernuto doubles up through Yueqi "Rich" Zhu. Zhu was originally the low card and Racener raised it up on third street -- Racener folded on fourth and left Zhu and Cernuto to take turns betting. All in on sixth street, Cernuto filled up on seventh and Zhu mucked his last card.


As they reached the river, Rouhani exclaimed, "Now I got you. aces," and flipped over his hand. "Ah, but I three-quarter you," said Zhu calmly. Rouhani is not happy at all.


Farzad Rouhani -- 650,000
Yueqi Zhu -- 395,000
Tom Chambers -- 345,000
Greg Pappas -- 250,000
John Cernuto -- 175,000
John Racener -- 170,000
Play will resume in 20 minutes.

Zhu raised utg, and Rouhani called from the big blind.
Rouhani bet out on the



"Well, that was good," said Rouhani as Zhu scooped the pot. He didn't mean it.