2008 World Series of Poker
Event 22 - $3,000 H.O.R.S.E.
Day: 3
Event Info
Level: 19
Blinds: 0/0
Ante: 0
Marcel Luske is off to a good start after defending from the blinds with

Level: 18
Blinds: 0/0
Ante: 0
We'll be starting with two minutes left to play in level 18.

(Table 40)
Seat 1: Mickey Appleman (Font Leg, New Jersey) -- 57,500
Seat 2: Hoyt Corkins (Glenwood, Alaska) -- 220,000
Seat 3: Eric Froehlich (Rochester Hills, Michigan) -- 118,000
Seat 4: Paul Zimbler (London, United Kingdom) -- 79,000
Seat 5: Jared Davis (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) -- 322,500
Seat 6: Jennifer Harman (Las Vegas, Nevada) -- 249,500
Seat 7: Mallory Smith (Centennial , Colorado) -- 49,500
Seat 8: JJ Hazen (London, United Kingdom) -- 43,500
(Table 41)
Seat 1: Steve Zolotow (Las Vegas, Nevada) -- 144,500
Seat 2: Doug Ganger (Fort Wayne, Texas) -- 245,500
Seat 3: Marcel Luske (Amsterdam, Netherlands) -- 350,000
Seat 4: David Levi (Las Vegas, Nevada) -- 36,000
Seat 5: Blair Rodman (Las Vegas, Nevada) -- 161,500
Seat 6: Todd Brunson (Mule Show, Texas) -- 124,000
Seat 7: Rostislav Tsodikov (Daly City, California) -- 99,000
Seat 8: Jens Voertmann (Dortmund, Germany) -- 184,500