Lauria Chopped Down
Hand #1:
Lauria: (X) (X)

Feguson: (X) (X)

Ferguson bet every street, and Lauria called all the way down until seventh. He apparently missed everything, as he mucked to one final bet from Jesus. Lauria dropped a big chunk of his stack on that hand, and he was down to 350,000.
Hand #2:
Lauria: (X) (X)

Ferguson: (X) (X)

Lauria completed the bring-in for the full amount, and Ferguson called. On fourth street, Lauria check-called a bet. On fifth, Ferguson led out, and Lauria again called. Sixth street saw Lauria check and Ferguson check behind him.
"All right, I like you now. You're now my friend," said Lauria, thankful for the free card. Both men checked seventh street as well.
Ferguson said "Two pair," as he opened up his down cards:

Lauria still has the right attitude though. He cut out the 40,000 that he started the day with, and pointed out that fact to the spectators. "I'm on a freeroll for $100K," he said again.