"You Call That Equity?"

After a player raised the pot and Gus Hansen called, Tom "durrrr" Dwan thought for a while and then moved all in for 8,650 more. The original raiser made it 21,000 to go and Hansen called again. Three players took the flop, Dwan was all in.

The third player in the hand checked to Gus who moved all in; the player called.
Tom "durrrr" Dwan:

Gus Hansen:

Third player:

Dwan flopped the straight and everyone at the table was baffled when they saw what he had shoved in with. The dealer then ran the turn and river, first the

Hansen: "Durrrr, I know you're the world's best PLO player but... honestly, what is the point of pushing there?"
Dwan: "Because I know you're not folding now, but you'll fold most flops and he (the other player) will shove most flops."
Hansen: "Let me tell you, this guy has no fold option whatsoever."
Third player: "What the heck were you doing?"
Dwan: "I think my equity is good there."
Hansen: "Really?!?! You call that equity?"
Dwan: "Yeah, I think I even shove there online. If it's a PLO tournament online I shove."
Gus and the rest of the table looked confused as Dwan stacked his chips.
Dwan: "There's also only 16 minutes left in the day. That was a factor also. I don't want to come back tomorrow with only 7,000 chips."
Even though the hand happened a few minutes ago, the players at the table are still trying to figure what exactly was the method to Dwan's madness on that hand. Hansen is the most puzzled of all.