More Controversy

Greg "FBT" Mueller seemed to like the idea as he liked his edge in the game and the games that followed after it. On the other side of things was Tom "durrrr" Dwan. He very strongly opposed starting with triple draw every time and confronted the Tournament Director about it.
He went as far as saying that it was absurd to start each redraw like that and also said something along the lines of, "I'm going to go make a Two-Plus-Two post about this right now. It's absurd."
After a lot of back-and forth between some of the players and the tournament staff, the decision was made that when each redraw occurs a random game would be selected. The Tournament Director will fan out eight cards, ace through eight, and a random player will pull a card to determine which game is to be played.
Our first game is going to be no-limit hold'em.