Hertzel Zalewski Eliminated in 8th Place ($17,933)

On the second round, each player drew one before Libson made another bet. Zalewski put in a raise, Schneider folded, and Libson called the extra bet.
On the final draw, both Libson and Zalewski stood pat, and the former check-called a bet from Zalewski. Both men said, "Eighy-six," nearly simultaneously. Libson showed down the winner though, tabling 8-6-5-3-2. That loss knocked Zalewski down to just 22,000
On the next hand, Zalewski raised first in, and Masayoshi Tanaka made it three bets. Brad Libson called, as did Zalewski, whose call put him all in and at risk. The betting rounds were pretty uneventful, and Zalewski would draw two cards the whole way. After patting on the last round, Libson tabled 9-8-7-5-3, good enough to win the pot and eliminate Hertzel Zalewski in 8th place. He'll get a pay bump up to just about $18,000 for his efforts.