Jason Young Eliminated in 5th Place ($142,346)

Hand #53:
Austin McCormick has the button in Seat 5.
Jason Young raises to 105,000 to open the pot under the gun, and McCormick tanks for about a minute before folding his button. David Randall, however, makes an all-in reraise to put Young to the test. He quickly calls all in for 965,000 total, putting himself at risk of elimination.
Young stood from his chair to sweat his fate, waving one finger in a circle in midair so that he didn't actually have to verbally say, "One time."
There would be no one time for Young this time.
The board ran
, and that's no help at all for Young. The last remaining bracelet winner in this event falls just four places short of number two, but he'll take nearly $150,000 as a consolation prize.
Randall is now in command with 4.4 million chips.