Hand #57: Captain Randall
David Randall has the button in Seat 8.
He raises to 125,000, and Tom Dwan makes the call from the big blind.
The flop comes
, and Dwan checks it over. Randall checks behind.
The turn is the , and Dwan passes again. Randall takes his cue to bet 175,000, drawing a long check-stare from Mr. Durrrr. He casually slips the chips into the pot after about 30 seconds.
The fills out the board, and Dwan checks again to see Randall fire another 350,000 chips at the pot. A slight grimace crosses Dwan's face, and he shakes his head very slightly as he sits in the tank for a minute or so. After double-checking his hole cards one last time, he decides a fold is in order, and Randall increases his chip lead.
He's close to 6.5 million now.