Christmas in June for Hellmuth

Dan Heimller opened for 900 from the hijack seat, and Phil Hellmuth called from the cutoff. Chris Ferguson then reraised to 4,000 from the button. The small blind got out, then David Williams called from the big blind.
Heimiller folded, and Hellmuth sat up straight in his chair. ��Are you serious?�� he asked. Then he leaned forward and addressed the dealer. ��I��m going to raise it up a little bit.��
After pausing a beat, the Poker Brat said he was all in for his remaining 14,100. Ferguson counted out his own stack -- a little less than Hellmuth��s raise -- and folded. Williams then spent a few moments to consider things. ��Merry Christmas,�� he finally said exhalingly, tossing out the chips to call.
The community cards came , and Hellmuth chips up over 35,000. Williams still has about 33,000, while Heimiller has 11,000.